The Vanishing Bride

Dear Stranger,

Thank you for agreeing to help me. I can't be involved in this case directly, as Cally is a friend of mine, but hopefully with the resources I was able to collect for you you'll be able to piece this together.

As you find answers, put them into the relevant fields on the left. The Clarity Loves Unsolved Enigmas engine, or C.L.U.E Engine, is very intelligent and will allow you to send your findings through to me once you've got something.

Best of luck,
Detective Alex Conroy

C.L.U.E. Engine will allow you to submit your findings once it detects that you have provided a plausible solution.

Need a hand?

Clues are available if you need a little help. To avoid spoilers, they’re hidden far down the page.

This is a strange piece of paper, isn’t it? One of the words looks very different to the others, and why is it creased like that?

Or maybe you should just take it as it is…

This confession should make the case open and shut, if only he hadn’t confessed before Lady Calliope went missing! It does seem odd he did that, though, doesn’t it?

Consider his rehearsed confession, and the handwritten note scrawled at the bottom of that page. Is there perhaps another message hidden in plain sight?

What’s that scrawled along the top corner of his headshot? It doesn’t make much sense as it is. Perhaps it’s a cipher? Though, if Mr. Sprinkles wrote it, it’s probably a fairly simple one.

What’s that on the back, though? And why it written at such an odd angle?

Sometimes, you’re allowed to be a lazy investigator. You have a confession, maybe you have a motive…

Don’t overthink this. Ignore anything out of the ordinary.

With a little investigation, perhaps you’ve found some holes in Mr. Sprinkles confession? Why did the detective include his headshot, though?

And this invoice is for an awful lot of money. Must be a rush job?

The note; “He did it for..”; just read it all exactly as written.

The truth is never easy to find. If it wasn’t the jester, or his creditor, then who could it possibly be?

You’ll need to put the pieces together to solve this. Some may fit together neater than you think.

Mr. Sprinkles confession still holds a lot of value, you’ll just have to look a little bit closer at what he’s saying.

It doesn’t seem like there’s any hidden messages on the guestlist, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come in handy.